以物聯網實行於建築物內的智能照明系統研討會 Essentials of Implementing IoT Enabled Smart Lighting System for Commercial and Residential Properties

研討會日期(Date):2017年6月3(星期六), 03 June 2017 (Saturday)

研討會時間(Time):14:30 ~ 17:30 , (共3小時Hrs., Total 3 Hours)

研討會地點:學會 -澳門羅理基博士大馬路 600 號 E,第一國際商業中心,1505 室

(※本研討會已獲建築、工程及城市規劃專業委員會認可的持續進修活動,活動認可編號: 92/FC/2017※)

(※Course was approved by CAEU for recognized activity of continuous professional development and the recognized activity no. : 92/FC/2017;※)

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You are required applying in internet for enrolment, please enrol by the website or Q.R.code below

研討會Seminar: 以物聯網實行於建築物內的智能照明系統

Essentials of Implementing IoT Enabled Smart Lighting System for Commercial and Residential Properties

網址Website: https://goo.gl/forms/mD6kdT15zfNZV0Mu2

二維碼Q.R Code:


請於收到本會確認成功報讀後,可將報名費用存入本會大西洋銀行戶口 (號碼:9008987130),並將報名者姓名、聯絡方式及存款證明文件電郵至pro.training@aeemm.org.mo或傳真(853-28837701)至本會,將有專人回覆確認收妥。

After you received our confirmation of your enrolment in success, bank transfer of the registration fee will be proceeded by you; payment can be made via BNU account no. 9008987130 of AEEMM, then please provide the full name and contact information with the payment receipt fax to 28837701 or E-mail: pro.training@aeemm.org.mo and our office will confirm you the payment.