專題講座, 進修課程
輕軌運輸系統課程 Light Rail Transit (LRT) System Course

為培育更多本澳機電業界的專業人才,本會一直致力開拓各種機電相關的培訓課程,以推動該專業領域的發展。本會將於2017年4月舉辦『輕軌運輸系統課程 Light Rail Transit (LRT) System Course』此培訓課程。詳見課程宣傳單張及本學會的網站 & Facebook之介紹內容。

上課日期:2017年4月1日 & 4月8日(兩個星期六)

上課時間:10:00 ~ 13:00 , 14:00 ~ 18:00(共14小時)




This course is mainly to introduce the Light Rail Transit (LRT) system and various modern railway system in the world, describe the features and technical characteristic in different railway transportation system as well as comparison based on economy and technology, it will let us understand deeply in  different railway transportation system.

The operation and maintenance of the LRT system will be more focus in this course as well as introduction in more types of railway system applied in different regions of worldwide, aims is to strengthen audience understanding the direction in development and management model  of current LRT system and acknowledge the challenge and opportunity of LRT system in future development.

(澳門機電工程師學會會員優先報讀, 此課程已向建築、工程及城市規劃專業委員會申請為認可的持續進修活動,但需經有關專業委員會批准為實;此課程在上次的申請中不獲批准.)

(Members of AEEMM will be accepted in priority, This course was applied for “acções de formação contínua reconhecidas” to CAEU and final result will depend on CAEU; But the last  application of same  course  didn’t be approval)

如欲進一步了解本課程資料及報名,請參閱以下 課程資料(中文) / 課程資料(英文)報名及繳費方式 / 課程報名表


Please enrol via the website or Q.R.code below

網址 Website: https://goo.gl/forms/2Qvt8gLEg93ibHVO2

二維碼Q.R Code:
