宗旨及願景Object & Vision


  1. 加強本澳電機及機械工程專業人士的聯繫溝通及技術交流,並深化與本地及外地同類型組織的聯繫及合作藉以交流訊息及分享經驗,以提升本澳電機及機械工程的專業技術水平。
  2. 加強會員們的團結及提高會員之專業技術水平,培訓本澳電機及機械工程人才,以推動電機及機械行業之發展。
  3. 推廣電機及機械工程的普及教育及進行電機及械機工程之專業研究,以電機及機械專業技術服務社會及推動社會發展。
  4. 加強與政府部門、社團及相關機構的合作交流,以提升電機及機械工程的專業地位。





 The objects of the Institution :

  1. To strengthen the exchange of information and technical knowledge amongst electrical and mechanical professionals and also make a closer collaboration with local and worldwide professional organizations, thereby sharing the updated information and experience to upgrade the professional level in local Electrical and Mechanical Engineering.
  2. To strengthen the unity of members and upgrade their professional knowledge, train up the local engineers to promote the development in related industries
  3.  To promote the education and research in Electrical and Mechanical Engineering for servicing community and promoting development of society
  4. To make a closer co-operation with government, association and related organization for upgrading  the position of electrical and mechanical professionals

The Vision of the Institution :

To be a platform of updating the advance knowledge, sharing the engineering experience and driving the professional qualification in enhancing the resource for electrical & mechanical engineering industry.